From your Omnivore Library, you can quickly locate saved pages with a simple keyword search or using advanced search syntax.
Search for text
Omnivore performs keyword searches across all saved content in your Library including title, description, site name, and the full text of each page.
You can search for a specific phrase by placing it in quotes.
Change sort order
By default all search results are sorted by saved date, with the most recently saved items at the top. You can use sort options to change the order:
Use sort:saved to sort by saved date
Use sort:updated to sort by time the item was last updated (ex.: adding a label or highlight).
Use sort:score to sort by relevance.
Filter by label
The label command lets you focus your search. For example, including label:recipes in a search term will return matching items that have been labeled as recipes.
You can use multiple labels to further refine your search, using advanced syntax to indicate AND, OR, or NOT. For example:
label:Cooking,Fitness finds all saved pages with the Cooking or Fitness label
label:Newsletter label:Surfing finds all saved pages with both the Newsletter and Surfing labels
label:Coding -label:News finds all saved pages with the Coding label that do not have the News label
Filter by archive status
Use the in: command to filter searches by archive status. Options are:
in:inbox (the default): Show unarchived items.
in:archive: Show archived items.
in:all: Show all items, regardless of archive status.
Filter by read status
Use the is: command to filter searches by read status. Note that items will be marked “Read” after they have been fully read, not just opened. Options are:
is:read: Show only items that have been fully read.
is:unread: Show unread items.
is:all: Show all items, regardless of read status.
Filter by content type
Use the type: command to filter searches by content type. Options are:
type:article: Show only articles.
type:file: Show only files.
type:pdf: Show only PDFs.
type:highlights: Show only highlighted sections.
type:all: Show all items, regardless of type.
Filter by date
Use the saved: and published: commands to filter searches by date. To set a date range, input two dates (YYYY-MM-DD) separated by two periods. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard in place of a specific date.
For example:
published:2020-01-01..2022-02-28 returns items published between January 1, 2020 and February 28, 2022.
published:*..2021-09-15 returns items published before September 15, 2021.
saved:2022-04-21..* returns items saved since April 21, 2022.
Find highlights
To search for saved pages that include highlights, include the has:highlights command in your search term.
To limit your search to sections you have highlighted, use the type:highlights command.
How to sort ascending (oldest first)?
is there a way to negate has:highlights, to find all notes without highlights?